Houston, TX

You’re probably more worried about someone stealing your grandmother’s pearls or your fancy new television but haven’t given much thought to the wealth of power tools in your garage. Burglars aren’t eyeing only houses when they case neighborhoods looking for places to break in. They know that garages are often filled with good loot as well. Be aware that your garage might be vulnerable to thieves. Learn how to prevent garage break-ins and protect yourself, your family, and your property. 

Why Worry?

You might think you don’t have to worry about burglary. You live in a safe neighborhood, your community is incredible, and you don’t have the least bit of concern. Well, did you know that more than 3,000 burglaries occur every day? These numbers increase by 10% during the summer months. So if you’re not taking the possibility of burglary seriously, rethink your perspective. You don’t want to put yourself at risk. 

7 Ways to Prevent Garage Break-Ins 

Okay, you’re taking garage theft seriously now. Good. Now, you can learn how to prevent these break-ins: 

1. Install floodlights

Many burglaries happen during the day (around noon), but that doesn’t mean some won’t still strike at night. Burglars who operate at night rely on not being seen. Thus, they avoid well-lit homes. Installing floodlights near your home to prevent garage break-ins. 

2. Install Cameras

Cameras are another big deterrent for thieves. Once again, they do not want to be noticed. Putting up a clearly-visible camera is a great way to scare away intruders. You can also put up stickers with your security system’s brand in the windows of your garage and home to advertise that your property is not a great target. 

3. Keep Your Door Closed

We know this seems obvious, but it isn’t for everyone. Many people leave their garage doors open, especially when they’re out in the yard working. They think no one will sneak in while they’re weed whacking in the backyard. But unfortunately, that’s not true. Burglars are quick, and they have no problem sneaking onto your property and stealing off with your power tools while you’re busy. Keep your garage door closed at all times, even if you’re nearby. 

A man tries with a crowbar attempts a garage door break-in

4. Keep Your Remote Safe

Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t keep your remote or clicker in your car. Thieves aren’t dumb, and they’ll look inside your car to see if they can get the remote before attempting to break in. Don’t make it easy for malicious criminals to gain access to your garage and possibly your home. Keep your remote in a secure place. 

5. Secure Your Side Door 

If your garage has a side door, a thief is likely to target it. Most side doors don’t have strong locks, and it’s easy for a burglar to kick one down. Invest in high-security locks and a deadbolt system if this is a feature of your garage.

6. Frost Your Windows 

Burglars love to peek in windows to see if you have any valuables. While we suggest avoiding windows for your garage for this reason, we understand that some homeowners enjoy the aesthetic. If you want to have windows in your garage, make sure to frost the glass

7. Plant Thorny Shrubs 

If you have windows in your garage, frosting the glass may not be enough to deter thieves. In that case, you can try planting thorny shrubs beneath your window. Burglars rely on speed, so if they have to stop and think about breaking in, they’ll likely move on. The thought of sustaining an injury is enough to give most burglars pause. 

We Can Make Your Garage Secure! 

The team at Garage Door Pros is proud to serve our neighbors in Houston, Texas, and surrounding areas. Our trained technicians have the know-how and expertise to make your garage door secure. You can rely on us to keep you and your property safe. Contact our team today for assistance!