What’s a security feature that can get overlooked, underappreciated, and often forgotten? An automatic driveway gate! In a variety of apartment buildings and neighborhoods, you can often expect to find an automatic gate at entrances. What you may not know is that these automatic gates have been shown to reduce burglary rates by 33% compared to non-gated residential areas.
These automatic driveway gates might just be another added amenity within your neighborhood or apartment complex, but they should be listed, known, and referenced as an additional level of security. In addition, what homeowner, landlord, business owner, or apartment manager wouldn’t want to make their spaces feel safer? That’s why we created this informational blog to go over the different types of automatic driveway gates and find the perfect one for your property!
Sliding Gates
Sliding gates can be described as a single unit that moves to one side of a driveway when opening. These gates are wheel-mounted, meaning they advance along a track. They are easy to install, more affordable, take up less space, and provide added security.
Sliding gates are typically the same size as the driveway entrance. Thus, this style of gate can save space and leave a discreet look compared to other styles. In addition, because these gates take up less space, they are a more affordable option as they require less material and are smaller compared to other gate styles. Lastly, the added layer of security that comes from the gate being flushed to the ground is worth noting. This style of gate ensures that your pets stay safe inside your property, wild animals do not enter, and no intruders crawl beneath it.
Swing Gates
This style of gate requires more space because of the need for heavy-duty equipment, and can be another alternative for an affordable option. Swing gates rely on one post. This means that this post needs to be made out of a heavy-duty material to support the overall weight of the gate. They also open with a wide radius, creating the need for additional space. The additional space is needed to ensure your car does not get hit by the gate.
Vertical Lift Gates
Vertical lift gates function similarly to old elevator gates. Due to the nature of vertical lift gates going up instead of sliding or swinging, this style would work best if you have a very limited amount of space to work with and if you have some issues with your terrain being smooth. In addition, since this style of gate is typically used within a commercial setting, there is room for the height of the gate to be customized to a specific length. This would mean you can have the gate lift higher for taller vehicles.
Barrier Arm Gates
Barrier arm gates can often be remembered as the gate you would typically run into at work. Barrier arm gates could be described as a pole or bar that automatically lowers to block the path of incoming vehicles. It is only after the driver pays a toll, enters a code, or presents a pass that the arm will raise and the person can enter.
Because this style of gate is typically used in commercial or workplace settings, it makes it great for an additional layer of security. The added security comes from needing a pass or code to allow someone to enter. Typically in a workplace or commercial setting, only employees have access to that information and materials, so anyone who is an outside member would need to give a form of payment. This added layer of requiring payment could help steer away people who could engage in negative/criminal behavior.
Bi-Folding Gates
Bi-folding gates resemble swing gates cut in half. This style has the distinct feature of having both sides of the gate open, which adds a feeling of elegance.
Bi-folding gates are great for wider driveways, offer a more sophisticated elegant look, require a smaller radius for the gate to open/close, and are more expensive.
While this style of gate can add a beautiful layer of elegance to one’s home, you typically do not see these gates in residential areas such as apartments and neighborhoods. In addition, due to the nature of the gate being split into two panels, they can work very well with wider driveways. That being said, since there are two panels, this makes the opening and closing have a smaller radius compared to the swing gate style. Nevertheless, because there are two panels for this style, you would need double the hardware and two motors which can lead to an increased investment.
Cantilever Gates
Cantilever gates are of great similarity to sliding gates. A cantilever gate slides open and closed along a fence. The key feature that makes this style unique is that the cantilever gate is a trackless system. This means that the gate is supported by tucked-away rollers rather than a track.
Due to cantilever gates not having a track, this makes it easy to use for all different types of terrain. Whether you have a rocky, uneven driveway or a minor slope where your gate is, it wouldn’t affect this gate. In addition, compared to the sliding gate style, this gate is easy to maintain as you wouldn’t need to clean the tracks. The only maintenance this style of gate would require is getting lubricated once a year by a professional. Lastly, because this style doesn’t roll on the ground, it reduces wear and tear greatly. In addition, this style is made with heavy-duty materials, meaning that this style of gate would last much longer than a sliding gate.
Automatic Driveway Gates With Our Team’s Help!
Garage Door Pros is reliable and dependable in our approach to automatic gates. No matter what types of automatic driveway gates catch your eye, you can expect our experts to take care of your needs! Call us at (832) 734-8396 or contact us on our site.